What is TrueCar Buyer's Bonus?

Buyer's Bonus is an exclusive program that is made available to members of certain affinity auto buying sites who purchase their vehicle through a TrueCar Certified Dealer.  Through this program, buyers are eligible for the following in the 1st year of car ownership:

Auto Repair Expense Reimbursement

Reimburses 20% of the payment, if any, made to repair the vehicle purchased through the car buying program. Covers up to a $500 reimbursement on repair (parts included), 2x a year.

Auto Deductible Reimbursement

Reimburses what the member paid, if anything, for their insurance deductible when they file a claim. Covers up to $500, 2x a year.

Auto Expert Opinion

A member can talk directly to an ASC-certified mechanic to discuss questions they might have on recommended repairs and cost, sounds their car is making, etc. Unlimited use.

How Do I Get My Benefits?

You simply report your completed purchase from Clay Subaru within 45 days to receive your bonus benefits.

To receive your benefits, you must:

Purchase a Vehicle
Buy or lease a new or used vehicle from a Clay Subaru, a qualifying TrueCar-powered affinity program.

Report Your Purchase
After purchasing a vehicle from Clay Subaru, you must return to your affinity auto buying site's "Report Your Purchase" page within 45 days and enter your email address to get started. You should have your VIN, Dealership details and personal information handy to complete the process.

Access Your Benefits
Once you report your purchase, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to access your Buyer's Bonus benefits. Whether you use one benefit or use them all, there's no additional cost to you!